Cari Kettman, MSW, LSW
Cari Kettman provides clinical counseling, facilitates nurturing parenting education and supervised visitation, and provides home-based casework during evening and weekend hours. She specializes in Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) therapy, working with families involved in the criminal justice system, and with families in which the Department of Child Services (DCS) is involved. She attended both Xavier University and Indiana Wesleyan University, received a bachelor’s degree in criminal justice, and a master’s degree in social work.
Through a unique blend of experience, education, and training, Cari has developed an expertise in serving families impacted by trauma, substance abuse, violence, and involvement in the criminal justice system. Cari is particularly passionate about improving systems level trauma-informed approaches.
Cari enjoys hiking, laughter, half-priced appetizers, road trips without a plan, sarcasm, finding the positive, fall and winter, TED talks, sports, puzzles, the color blue, and self-care.
Cari Kettman, MSW, LSW
Cari Kettman provides clinical counseling, facilitates nurturing parenting education and supervised visitation, and provides home-based casework during evening and weekend hours. She specializes in Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) therapy, working with families involved in the criminal justice system, and with families in which the Department of Child Services (DCS) is involved. She attended both Xavier University and Indiana Wesleyan University, received a bachelor’s degree in criminal justice, and a master’s degree in social work.
Through a unique blend of experience, education, and training, Cari has developed an expertise in serving families impacted by trauma, substance abuse, violence, and involvement in the criminal justice system. Cari is particularly passionate about improving systems level trauma-informed approaches.
Cari enjoys hiking, laughter, half-priced appetizers, road trips without a plan, sarcasm, finding the positive, fall and winter, TED talks, sports, puzzles, the color blue, and self-care.